55% of employees wish they were more informed about their benefits.
Understanding the Basics of Benefits is Key As an HR administrator or employer, you can better assist your employees in managing their health and becoming more informed consumers. It all starts with helping them understand their benefits—what’s covered, basic terms, treatments, payment options, etc. This knowledge and trust in their coverage will help employees lead healthier lives and will boost satisfaction and loyalty.
When employees confidently understand their benefits and all they offer, they will begin to use them more effectively and frequently. Increasing the frequency of preventative health care tends to reduce the overall risk of long-term or higher claims exposures.
Download Ascela’s guide for tips on how to help your employees better understand and use their benefits.
Ascela is an employee benefits insurance broker committed to empowering our clients and their employees with the knowledge and support needed to navigate the health care system and fully utilize their benefits.
Contact our team to learn more.
Source: https://www.metlife.com/content/dam/metlifecom/us/noindex/pdf/ebts-2021/MetLife_EBTS_2021.pdf